The Domino’s story began in 1960, when Tom and James Monaghan opened the first “DomiNick’s” store in Michigan, USA. A year later, Tom traded his car for his brother’s share of the store and later renamed the business Domino’s Pizza. The three dots on our logo represent the three stores that Tom originally planned to open.
The business idea was simple; to deliver hot, freshly made pizzas in as quick a time as safely possible, while playing an active role in the local community. Through a little known format now called franchising, Tom enabled other people to invest in opening their own store.
Domino’s came to the UK in 1985, with the first store opening in Luton, Bedfordshire. Today, there are now over 1,000 Domino’s stores across the country and almost 90 million of our freshly handcrafted pizzas are sold to customers in the UK every year.